Sunday, May 3, 2009

I have a social/political question for all of you.
What will the government of these United States of America think, and what will it do, when the USA is condemned by the rest of the countries, or at least a majority of them, in the free being the most destabilizing factor in our world today?
The political oligarchy that runs America will scream bloody murder. How dare you upstart little, rogue, nations dare to challenge the global supremacy of those who know that they are always correct. What will the American citizen think about these types of accusations? Perhaps this is what our media has been groomed for, for so long! To lie to the American public by omitting information that the oligarchy does not want us (We the Citizen's) to contemplate. Why tell the citizen's the truth, when, after all, they are too stupid and/or ignorant of the big picture to be able to make decisions that will not endanger our supremely enmeshed (like a tick under your skin) position!

Society comes from the word social...and the oligarch's are not social!
Civilization comes from the word civil...and the oligarchs are not civil!
Keeping the rest of the world starving in order to overload their already overloaded plate is the essence of their orders to their minions....who just happen to also be our elected representatives...
Ever wonder why everything is going to hell in a hand basket???

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