Activism, protest, and your dictatorial
stealing of my democracy...or, when representatives lie!
Once a corrupt politician gets into
office it can become very, very, difficult; very difficult indeed ,
to uncover any wrong doing, regardless of how heinous those wrong
doings might be on their part. It does happen that they are
occasionally caught, but it is a very rare event indeed. Graft and corruption, especially of our election laws, have become the
hallmark of politics and political endeavors in general, although
there are some who refuse to go down this treasonous and treacherous
path (I think). There are many elected who would not protest, or
speak up, even when they know their counterparts are doing
illegal/improper things; they will stick up, and lie, for their
buddies because in the end it might just make them some more money or
build some more of that wonderful power that they love so much. It's
either that or they are being black mailed by one of their
counterparts across the aisle because they know something valuable
and are willing to trade their secrets for more power, or more
campaign money. Becoming a politician in this country has become the
venue of the wealthy, powerful, extremely popular, and super venal;
and that is for a purpose also! Obfuscation and confusion always
reign supreme in politics. Like magic, they keep you hypnotized by
their bullshit rituals and titles so high and mighty.
You just cannot have the stupid
people, the common citizen, and especially women, meddling in the
affairs of those who, since they have become elected, know everything
about anything. It seems that by merely being elected they are raised
to the pinnacles of genius also, or so might those well deserving
Nobel laureates ( I am exempting Milton Friedman from this because he
was pure evil) think who have been turned down for positions in
administration's they are incredibly well suited for, and turned down
just so that our greedy little elected bastards can gum up the gears
of democracy enough to make themselves, and their lobbyist cronies,
filthy fracking rich! That is what getting elected is really all
about for many of them; greed and avarice, oh, and let's not forget
Oh, no, we would not fix elections;
but that is what the whole election cycle in American politics is all
about. The wealthy and powerful have bought the electronic media, and
the newspapers, which allows the wealthy to fix the outcome of the
election, any election, beforehand, by talking about everything but
what is important and misrepresenting any thing that is true as
false. Oh, and spending a billion dollars doing it! This is why
capturing the media is so awfully important to their goals. You
cannot fool most of the people most of the time unless you control
the complete flow of information to their minds and bodies. This is
why they are now attacking the world wide web and the internet
capabilities of regular voters. Just like any coup , scheme, or scam,
you have got to keep the people you are trying to rule thinking that
you mean something, and are doing something, entirely different until
it is too late for them to react correctly. Presto Change o, and
shazam....Then you lower the boom on their asses!
It is, again, a sad state of affairs
when those in elected office are able to change the definition of a
Governor, who is a representative of his state's people, to that of a
powerful dictator (like Wisconsin, Minnesota, Arizona, Florida,
Alabama and Georgia, now have, among many) who attacks certain
segments of the working population; voter registration, unions, free
speech, Negroes, Mexicans, etc., so as to weaken or destroy their
political power, just like their philosophical buddy Hitler did in
Democracy cannot withstand treason
from within its ranks like this. This is a weakness that must be
understood before democracy is attacked from within again. Attacking
the power base of the people, while in elected office, is a
reasonable definition of treason against democracy and the people of
our country, let alone their own elected office! It is obviously true
that they are trying to change our democratic government to an
oligarchical one! And we are at war to boot, and acts like our
representatives are performing while we are at war and Americans are
dying in battle are surely at least a transgression of the laws we
follow as a people!
But, alas, there will only be a few
elected representative who will be able to do anything about this sad
state of affairs because they are either all in this together or are
kept from supporting the people's view by powerful adversary’s. It
will have to be the people who put their feet down on this one!
Our political representatives can no
longer accomplish what they were elected for by we the people. Many
now have an agenda which has been set in place, and built, by those
of wealth, power, and, frankly, extreme political stupidity! You have
to admit that it is stupid to destroy a country as great as the USA
out of pure greed! But.... They have committed themselves so
completely that withdrawing from their entrenched positions will only
leave a vacuum strong enough to suck them back in to the crimes they
have committed again, and again, for their own wealth and the
downfall of our democratic republic. They are stuck in the mud and
mire of their own ideologies and beliefs, and there is no one person
to save their funky asses from what they have done to this country.
What they have done and are doing right now is a crime against
humanity and they deserve to face the full force of our laws, just
like you or I would, and either go to prison or face a stiff, harsh,
monetary penalty !
Answer me this one question if you
think you can. Since democracy as it was originally defined, as being
of the people, by the people, and for the people, is so important to
those supposedly inalienable rights the constitution provided us as
we the people...then just who is supposed to stand up for democracy
if it is not we the people? Who really knows what democracy means?
Answer me that one question according to our constitution and bill of
rights if you can! Democracy is of, by, and for the people, and it
therefor must be protected by their actions in public! It is
undemocratic, to say the least, to stop the citizens of this country
from protesting, and fighting if they must, to get their country, and
their democracy, back in their control!
What you have been witnessing in this
country is the silencing of democracy using police repression and
political deceit. This is exactly how all of the country's ever
overrun by despots and dictators were taken down. It is all done by
wealth and power under the guise of justice for all, but their all
does not include anyone but those who administer the laws, the
wealthy, and the military. Those who fight for the country and
enforce the laws are considered cannon fodder also. And in secret,
the citizen, to tell you the truth, is always seen as the problem
when the wealthy and powerful take over the reigns of government. It
is their trademark act, to remove all of the information, power, and
wealth, from those they rule in order that they not be able to fight
back against their ruler's extremism. Then they enslave and destroy
them for more wealth and power, and blame them for the ills of their
insane world. It is very much like a hostile takeover in the
corporate realm.
Attacking and destroying the power
base of the citizens of this country is not the action of democracy,
or of democratically elected representatives who care about their
constituents, or their future, but are the actions of tyrants, super
capitalist's, who need to be removed from power immediately and
tried, by the people, for their offenses against this country and its
constitution and for the inhabitants of the rest of the world as
American democracy has become a
carnival, a circus of rides, meant to cause you to think that you are
enjoying yourself when in reality the situation you are in is totally
out of your control, and at the mercy of the operators, the whole
After the carnage of World War 2, we,
and the people of the civilized world, developed laws that governed
the acts of those in power when atrocities are committed, but our
leading political lights, like GWB, or Obama, repealed them so that
they would not have to stand trial for their heinous and inhumane
decisions! The laws regarding torture were thrown out to allow our
misguided and misled elected leaders to accomplish the same things
that those before them were considered inhuman and monstrous for
attempting to do to a people!
This is the very definition of
absolute power corrupting absolutely! Were it not for their most
terrible deeds, and their almost habitual lying, how could we ever
think that these people we elected could do these things? Did it
occur to you while you were voting, or not voting, that these folks
we elected were going to trash everything our constitution and Bill
of Rights stands for just because they can? Did it occur to any of
you while you were voting that democracy is just a baby in this world
and that it needs to be watched very closely that it is not taken
advantage of or hostage? I thought not! When democracy lies down with
lazy believers fascism is usually the baby.
It seems very self evident that what
we are dealing with (the destruction of our democracy) has to do
with how lawyers do their business. What are the first three letters
in lawyer and what does that imply for how the laws of our land are
seen, and conducted, and defined. Lawyers are judges, and lawyers are
politicians, and lawyers sit on our supreme law in
America, which includes the definitions of all of those important
terms and statements, is left up to the lawyers to decide the
definition of.
I am not, in the least, trying to say
that all lawyers, everywhere, are dishonest or unethical; but what I
am showing you is how deeply entrenched this profession is in the
decisions regarding our freedoms, and our laws, and the very
definitions we use to define our liberty
Lawyers work for pay, and usually the
most that they can get if they are well known as a winning attorney.
The wealthy can always buy the best attorneys and that is why they
almost always win.
The wealthy literally own their own
law firms. How many of our elected and appointed officials in this
country are an attorney, or are in the legal fields in one manner or
another? When the administration of the law was taken out of the
hands of the common man and made the palace of the wealthy and their
attorneys a lot was lost in the definitions of democracy!
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